Hey Y'all. One of my many New Year's resolutions is to blog/journal more, in various places. So look out for that.
In the meantime, I had to share my latest obsession with the British teen drama Skins (available on Netflix Instant). While the show is a tragic/amusing heart fuck, it also features some pretty kick-ass tunes throughout. With the help of this site I've been able to compile a playlist for Series One.
I say it represents about 86-90% of the music from the first series, minus the songs that were a) well-known American hip-hop b) not on grooveshark c) way to fucking annoying to listen to while I'm at work.
So yeah, as someone who's been stuck in a music rut for a while (took a brief vay-cay to immerse myself in Christmas music for two straight weeks), it's been great to get a hep sampler of all of the hipster bands I missed knowing about while I was busy not being cool in college. Some random cheeky tracks in there as well.
(Is this all just my London nostalgia kicking in?)
Anyway, I'll soon be making similar compilations for the next series(es) so stay tuned!
Two words: Guilty. Pleasure.
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